Psalm 124 sung responsively
Psalm 124 sung responsively

psalm 124 sung responsively

Reader Comment: Or he is praising God before the other gods in defiance of them & to show that God is the only God? Although David worshiped and wrote songs for none but the true God, it’s possible that he accepted the common belief that there were other gods. Quite a few say “gods” some say “angels,” “the mighty,” or “heavenly beings.” God’s Word says “false gods,” just in case we are in doubt about who the gods in question are! Remember that the Jews were not really monotheistic until after the Exile. 1b: “I will make melody to you before the gods.” This is just about exactly what the Hebrew says however, the Greek version of the Old Testament has “before angels” (that is, in the presence of angels). This lovely song of Thanksgiving praises God for his mercy to David. Psalm 138, Songs of Thanksgiving (4/28/17) This particular song of ascents thanks God for rescuing Israel from various nations who have attacked it in the past. Just as we have hiking songs, the Jews who were going to Jerusalem for whatever reason – usually one of the feasts – would sing these songs as they walked along. Zion, so when you go to Jerusalem, you have to go up. This song of Thanksgiving is a “song of ascents,” also translated as a “song of going up” or “song of degrees.” Jerusalem sits on the top of Mt. Psalm 124, Songs of Thanksgiving (4/27/17) This psalm is a good one to read whenever our prayers have been answered. The rest of the psalm offers praise and thanks for God’s merciful goodness in rescuing the writer. Apparently the writer was having a bad time (vss. This song of Thanksgiving praises God for answering the writer’s prayers. Psalm 116, Songs of Thanksgiving (4/26/17) Fortunately, there are many things about God that we do understand: God loves us, God is faithful, God takes cares of his people. The psalmist tells us that the question itself is pointless, because we wouldn't understand the answer. One of the most difficult questions to answer is "Why did God. Whether he wrote this song about that particular incident is a little up in the air. In any case, David wrote this song of thanksgiving, and he escaped from Achish. David started pretending to be crazy (“changed his behavior”), and Achish said, “I’ve got enough crazy people around me! Get rid of this guy!” That isn’t explained, but my idea is Achish knew David wasn’t crazy, and he concluded that this wasn’t the real David. Somebody among King Achish’s servants thought they recognized David, which made David concerned that Achish would turn him over to Saul.

psalm 124 sung responsively

When David was being pursued by Saul, he went to Gath (a Philistine city) to hide out. There was an Ahimelech, who was a priest, associated with David (1 Samuel 21:2-6) but no change in behavior. There is no Abimelech associated with David. The introduction to this psalm is a little strange, because it was Achish, not Abimelech, before whom David changed his behavior (1 Samuel 21:9 – 22:1). Psalm 34, Songs of Thanksgiving (4/25/17) 11-12), and David recognizes this and offers praise to God for it. Either way, the Lord has brought him back to health and joy (vs. 2), even so sick he thought he might die (vs. I have the impression from Psalm 30 that David has been having a rough time. Songs of Thanksgiving praise God for what he has done in specific historical circumstances to save the nation or an individual.

psalm 124 sung responsively

Psalm 30, Songs of Thanksgiving (4/24/17) Reading the Bible the Way It’s Written: Psalms Thanksgivings and Hymns Songs of ThanksgivingĬopyright information, disclaimers, and sponsors

Psalm 124 sung responsively